Sunday, February 27, 2011

Top Five Worst Degrassi Couples

5. Manny and Spinner
I beleive that this couple could have honestly been a LOT better if the writers had developed them more. But I think the reason that they were so . . . awful was because of their personalities at that time. Manny was trying to be known as the school bad girl, and Spinner was the nice go who was controlled by his ex. Spanny has the potential of being great, because Spinner clicks with almost anyone, and so does Manny - but in this case, any of their screen time makes me turn off the television.
4. Liberty and Damien
Honesty is always the best policy - which is something that Damien should learn. Now I know that Liberty and Damien were never actually a couple, but that doesn't stop the hate. I mean, they could've eventually have been cute. But Liberty - much like Eli - was still not over her dead ex. Which makes 'Diberty' not even up for topic,
Holly J and Sav
Yep, still number four. A tie, because I cannot stand the fail 'Hav' for another second. The only reason they date, is not because they have chemistry, it's because they don't want to be alone for one single year. In an attempt to replace fans with a couple that could match Holly J and Declan, Degrassi gets an F. These two have absolutley nothing going on, and can not possibly be going anywhere. They make me want to puke on my TV.
3. JT and Manny
May I just say . . . EW!!!!!! The couple began as JT's creepy crush on Manny because of her slut thing at the time. Everyone always saw them as brother and sister, which is what they are. I never saw anything in their relationship whatsoever, and I actually cheered when Manny dumped him. It's weird, two of my favorite characters being a couple - and it didn't work. Well, well, we always have our fantasies. Not that JT and Manny would EVER be a fantasy. It's be a hell.
2. Emma and Damien
 Okay, wasn't Emma still with Sean when she was seeing Damien? Or is that just my imagination? Either way, the two only dated because Damien's a creepy pevert, and because Emma wanted to be 'spontaneous.' Ah, season seven, the most depressing theme song credits ever, and one of the worst times for couples. Emma and Damien have fewer things that make them different and undateable, then making them alike. Which is the top reason that nothing worked out. Enough said.
1. JT and Mia
Honestly, even the thought of 'Jia' makes me want to barf. They could've been cute if they had dated before season six, or even before season four. I could see Mia being cute for JT in like season two or something . . . but after Jiberty's breakup, it was obvious that this was not going to be a good couple for fans, who were deprived of the fallen supercouple. The reason Jia never worked out is simple: whether he denied it, or not, JT was never over Liberty. 

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