Sunday, February 27, 2011

Top 5 Best Friends

5. Jimmy and Spinner
From the callouts, to the t shirt busneiss, to causing Jimmy's paralization, these two have been through at all, and have managed to come through in the end, like good friends do. And like all best freinds, they always have each other's backs. Which was mostly Jimmy for a while, because well, Spinner, kinda, told Rick some lie about Jimmy . . . yeah. It was a really awkward time for all of us, wasn't it? But their screentime always makes us laugh, because it's just the kind of hilarity you need while watching Degrassi.
4. Clare and Alli
Two of Degrassi's best girlfriends always make their scenes eventful and not forgotten. Starting in season eight, when a void was left by Emma and Manny for two leading ladies, Clare and Alli totally and completley filled it. They show compassion to each other's issues - mostly Alli's - and when you need a day of good old advice - again Alli - your probably better off with Clare. Vegas Night left a huge mark on the two - you know watching your boyfriend get stabbed and hearing about your boyfriend's cheatfest - Clare and Alli stuck through it together. Like they always do.
3. Eli and Adam
Two of the three misfits may be new to Degrassi, but they sure have earned their number three spot. I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself gave us something we haven't seen since season six (hint hint, for number one) a good and wholesome bromance. They always have each other's backs, whether its Adam being our favorite third wheel, or Eli kicking some serious some serious butt for his best friend's honor. And I think we can all say, that Eli's reaction to Adam being transgender was definatley memorable. Maybe they''ll move up, after season 10's done.
2.Emma and Manny
I know, I know . . . why not number one? Emma and Manny - together nine seasons, and they've always been there for each other.  Manny flashing Peter, Emmas eating disorder, Manny getting pregnant, and Emma's wedding, theyve always managed to stick together and come up smelling like a rose. Because I guess, everyone loves the two together. They make you want to love Degrassi even more then you already do. I can't say anything more except . . . Our Lips Are Sealed. Go ahead, go watch!
1. JT and Toby
Did you catch the hint? I would have given Emma and Manny number one, until I realized what a speical place in my heart JT and Toby hold. What's It Feel Like To be a Ghoust? Family Politics, and dare I say it, Rock This Town. My favorite best friends, never fail to make me smile, and though they may not always be 100%, like season four, when Toby befreinded Rick, and JT drop-kicked their friendship right out the window, but yet, they always manage to be - awesome. Toby was so supportive when JT got Liberty pregnant, and JT was a total supporter of Toby and Kendra. I can't even explain why I love them so much!

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