Season 10 Episode Scales

What A Girl Wants 1&2- B-
Fiona's abuse storyline is marvelous, Holly J vs Sav - eh, the Dave and Alli plot was pointless.
Breakaway 1&2- B
Annie Clark captures vulnerability perfectly, Sanya is done, Clare owning Jenna is the highlight, Holly J is pointless.
99 Problems-D+
Every character in this episode, is so self centered it's almost shocking.
Better Off Alone-B+
KC's plot starts off great, and looses steam in the end. Eli and Clare are the cutest thing I've seen in a while.
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself- C-
Sav succeeds in a plot that is well done, Fiona's hilarity is overshadowed, and Jenna just MAKES ME CRINGE.
Try Honesty-B
My love for Dolly J is done at this point, while Eli's instability is amazing and well done.
You Don't Know My Name-D+
I could care less about Alli and Drew, but Sav and Holly J's friendship is cute while their relationship is rushed.
My Body Is A Cage-A+
Adam's breakout storyline as a FTM transgender is phenomenal, Samantha Munro shines.
Tears Dry On Their Own-D
KC and Jenna's pregnancy is realistic, but a drag. Conner shows off his chops, and the Anya-Riley interaction is cute.
Still Fighting It-A-
Riley's homophobia was underdone, but the plot was intruiging. While Eli and Clare have a great start in a well done storyline, and Wesley's still hilarious.
Purple Pills-C-
It seems like the writers are under-doing an abuse storyline by adding alcohol to the mix. Eli and Adam's plot raises the grade.
All Falls Down-A
While the episode was overhyped, certain areas of it were marvelously well done. This excludes the Drew and Alli drama and adds to the Fitz/Clare/Eli triangle.
Don't Let Me Get Me-D+
At this point Alli and Jenna are really useless and uninteresting. The catfight and KC were both good though.
Love Lockdown-B+
Though I love Dolly J, I thought this storyline was a terrible goodbye to Declan, and was just Savvy J drama. Eli and Clare were cute, but Clare was a little out of character.
Eli and Clare were amazing. Hoarding, loss of morals? Very well done. FAdam in it's good old days, and Wesley's too good of a friend.
Sav and Jenna are the most random couple probably ever, and Kenna reunion was boring. Adam, Fiona and Wesley are all cute though.
When Love Takes Over-B
While Fadam shows marvelous charisma and awesome acting, Dr. Anya is useless, and Sadie is way too good for Dave.
The Way We Get By-C+
Drew and Bianca's plot was interesting but a little random drug abuse. Riley's coming out should have been a bigger deal, and Alli was just okay.
Jesus, Etc.-A
A great setup for the beginning of Eli's mental instability, Alli/Sav are boring, and Kenna's getting old.
Hide and Seek-C-
Holly J's sickness was rushed and underdone, the return of Johnny DiMarco was the best part of the episode, and Wesley was still a go getter.
Chasing Pavements-B-
Annie Clark shows great acting in a predictable but delicious sexuality storyline. Anya and Owen needed more screentime for an opinion, and Alli's still boring.
Drop the World-A
Every second of the main plot kept me on my seat and terrified, Holly J/Fiona were cringeworthy, and Kenna's was actually okay.