Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chasing Pavements Part 2 Episode Review

Okay, may I just flippin' fangirl for a second? ADJSHFDSGFKLADJKLSHFSFKSAH So, Eli's got a gun, Clare wants a 'break' (for her mushy time with Fitzy boy, JK.) I've been hearing people saying that Eli's shooting either Julia's grave or Julia's picture, hence why he yells 'This is all your fault!' Because he started getting unstable after she was killed. I'll probably be on here fangirlling for the res of the week, so for now, let me give my review of Chasing Pavements part 2!

Im just gonna be honest with you here: THERE IS NO WAY THAT FIONA WASN'T A CREEPING LESBIAN. Riley-gay, Declan-her brother, Bobby-abusive and Adam-transgender. But I will say that while I had semi ships with the rest of these, I do not ship Lesbiona J. I mean the whole Fiona crushing on HJ thing is awesome, but I can't really see them as a couple. Don't get me wrong, this was a solid episode- miles from part one, I really just don't see a future for Fiona/Holly J. All in all though, one again Annie Clark's acting was phenomenal. Adam, as always, made me smile and my heart break. Come on, did anyone actually think that FAdam was going to work out? I know they're awesome, but as I said, Fiona's using Adam for his body - and no, not his six pack. Overall, I enjoyed this plot the most out of all three. It might even go head-to-head with The Lexicon of Love someday.
It feels like I am constantly blogging about my Alli hate in In Too Deep. And look, for the eighth week in a row, here she is getting a storyline. Honestly, I like her alot, I'm just getting so flippin' sick of her. First, we get some random smoking chick (literally.) Then we get some Sav-Alli drama, then Johnny revived us with his crazy awesomeness, and now we get some plot about Alli wanting Simpson to stay at Degrassi. Yep, Snake was my favorite part of this episode, because I desperatley miss the season five days of the Zit Remedy ;) And also, I must say the action took alot more of an up in this plot. Degrassi having a dance, of course everyone already knew that they were getting their spring formal. That was good too, and I'm happy that Alli's fixing up her drama. Plus, as another up, the Bianca-Alli fist pump. DID THAT ACTUALLY JUST HAPPEN?
Most of you, if you read my Chasing Pavements part 1 blog, know how I feel about this storyline. I must say though, I enjoyed it alot more in part two. Though I was kind of flippin' annoyed with Owen still being a giant jerkface. I mean, it almost like Jay all over again.  Owen has messed with Ziley and Adam. Now he's coming onto Anya in a SERIOUSLY CREEPY way. But this plot just made me love Anya even more than I already do. I loved what she said in the Dot, because it really just felt relatable. It's true though, if you don't like a guy, they do think you're a female dog. And I really just wanted to scream 'You go Anya MacPhearson!' at my screen. Becuase, it's a offical. Owen's a total waste of a character.

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