Saturday, April 23, 2011

Drop The World Parts 1&2 Review

Above is the new Degrassi promo for season eleve. Personally, I liked the promo, but I think they should have shown more instead of just one random clip of Bianca screaming. Now, on with the episode.

Most of my twitter/tumblr followers know that I was fangirling like a boss during all of parts one and two. My overall overview? I know people are choosing Team Eli or Team Clare. I don't have one - I'm Team EClare. Go ahead, call me biased, but I agree with both. Eli really wasn't planning the trip because of Julia, he was doing it because he just wanted to spend time with Clare. But in part two, Clare was right to break up with Eli, because he does need space to work on his lack of mental stability. However, I was kind of dissapointed when Clare and Alli just went back to the dance like nothing was wrong, and Clare was all 'I'm just trying to have fun.' Eli. Oh what can I say about Eli? I was totally crying when Eli basically told Clare he was going to crash Morty. But I was yelling at my TV the whole time: She's not gonna love you anymore if you get rid of the hearse!And may I say? Eli finally actually told Clare that he loves her, which made the whole sad, heart wrenching plot worth it. I mean, I don't think I've cried this much since Season 7's We Built This City.  Overall, I can't wait to see what the writer's do next season with Eli's obsession with Clare. And Munro and Aislinn's acting was just amazing, as usual. Anyways, THE GUN. DUN DUN DUN. Eli shooting Julia's picture and then TALKING ABOUT HER LIKE SHE WAS ACTUALLY ALIVE TO BULLFROG just made me shake my head. Oh, Eli, sweetheart, Julia's dead. Your crazy. And speaking of crazy, the hopsital scene? When he's just smiling at Clare being all "I saved our story" made my heart cry tears of sadness. And Clare - Eli is kind of manipulating you. But he doesn't mean it. He really doesn't. Overall, I loved this plot. It's definatley up there as one of my all-time favorites.
First off, may I just say I adored Anya even more in this episode? She was hilarious with her little heart signs behind Holly J's head. Anya was the best part of this storyline. Otherwise, Holly J just really made me dislike even more than I have during In Too Deep. She was such a jerk to poor Fiona, who wasn't creeping on her or doing anything wrong. And when she set her up with the LGBT chick? I was like - Holly J - graduate and get your butt outta here! I just love Fiona, and my heart went out to her when Holly J was such a jerk and the dance and her mean sleepover excuses, which were just unexcusable.
For once, I actually enjoyed a Kenna plot. Yes, me the ultimate Kenna hater actually enjoyed a plot. "YOU TOLD ME TO PLAY BASKETBALL!" was legit the best part though. And KC's bacheloor party was hilarious, especially when he handcuffed himself to Bianca. Did anyone else think it was really random when Chantay and Jenna were at the dance and all of a sudden Jenna's like "My feet are wet?" Okay, that was random . . . And also, Jenna has some really awkward names on her hands "Momzilla" "Handyman KC" "Big Daddy." Then Alli calls her "Mama" which is even more immensly strange to me. I was just laughing that whole entire scene, BTW and not even taking it seriously. I'm giggling like a creeper right now actually! But yes, the ending was cute when KC looked at the baby and I was all 'THAT'S THE OLD POST JENNA AWESOME KC!" And I loved Dave and Drew in this episode, they also added to the hilarity.

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