Monday, April 11, 2011

Favorite Seasons

1. Season 10
 Eli brandishing the ranks of mentally unstable, added with Adam's transgender storyline, added with Fiona coming out brings to my all time favorite season of Degrassi.
Favorite Episodes: Umbrella, My Body Is A Cage, Still Fighting It, Breakaway, Jesus Etc, Chasing Pavements
2. Season 5
The end of Jiberty, with Degrassi's best pregnancy storyline, Paige realizes she's bisexual and Emma's anorexia.
Favorite Episodes: Foolin', Turned Out, The Lexicon of Love, I Against I, Our Lips Are Sealed, High Fidelity
3. Season 6
Degrassi's most memorable episode, SEmma 2.0, 'Go Home Lakehurst' and internet predators brings me to my conclusion.
Favorite Episodes:  Eyes Without A Face, Rock This Town, The Bitterest Pill, If You Leave, What's It Feel Like to be A Ghoust?
4. Season 4
The Degrassi shooting added with some extra SEllie drama, plus some bipolar Craig, with a sprinkle of Jiberty = happy Hannah!
Favorite Episodes: Time Stands Still, Anywhere I Lay My Head, Voices Carry, West End Girls, Eye of the Tiger
5. Season 9
Sexting, meth, creepy coaches, a random Spinner/Emma wedding. Dolly J carrys the season through with their epicness.
Favorite Episodes: Shoot to Thrill, You Be Illin', Innocent When You Dream, Degrassi Takes Manhattan
6. Season 1
 The only season that lets you see how hilarious Emma/Manny/JT/Toby/Liberty are together. 
Favorite Episodes: Secrets and Lies, Mother and Child Reunion, Jagged Little Pill, Coming of Age
7. Season 7
Very few reasons I bother to watch this season: Toby's awesomeness, Spinner's cancer, Darcy's rape and Parcy.
Favorite Episodes: We Built This City, Death or Glory, Pass the Dutchie, Standing In the Dark, Live to Tell
8. Season 3
A half-bearable season that is carried mostly by Ashley/Craig/Manny and Ellie's cutting.
Favorite Episodes:  Holiday, Father Figure, Whisper In A Scream, Accidents Will Happen, U Got the Look
9. Season 8
A total bore of a season, though Alli's angst and my relatable-ness to Clare makes it worth while.
Favorite Episodes: Heat of the Moment, Heart of Glass, Causing a Commotion, Up Where We Belong
10. Season 2
If Craig hasn't been introduced, I would've skimmed right past this season. Oh yes, and seeing JT kick a rapist's *** makes me smile too :)
Favorite Episode: Shout, When Doves Cry, Hot For Teacher, Tears Are Not Enough

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