Saturday, July 23, 2011

Now or Never Week One: Review

Above are the two new promos released for next week's episodes 'Cry Me A River' 1&2 and 'Dirt Off Your Shoulder' 1&2.
Anyway, down to busniess. Instead of reviewing the episodes every night, I'm going to do a week overview of the reviews. Okay? Understood.
Since I Already did Spring Fever, so I might as well move onto my opinions on . . . duh duh duuunnn. . .

LoveGame: After finally getting used at all of these two parters, I'm sort of confused on why they went to back to having just a couple of single standing episodes. Anyway, as a huge EClare fangirl, I had high expectations for this one. Those expectations weren't exactly met. The storyline was solid, but I didn't like the way things played out. Cake was really rushed, and I could see Clare's anger, but thought it needed more then one episode to flesh out. And I'm not being bias, but I HATE Jake. He's a cocky jerk, who's reminding me of the old season 10 Drew. That is NOT  a compliment. Heck, he's even worse then Drew. I hope his character becomes more developed so I don't have to be mad at him all season. As for Eli - we know he'll be off his meds soon, and I'm glad he was okay in this one. KC and Jenna's storyline started off well, something that I'm shocked at. I really liked Jenna, but became fed up with KC as the episode began. Yep, that's all I have to say. Oh, and I don't ship Cake what so ever.

What's My Age Again?: Best episode of the week, in my opinion. Anya portrayed perfect vulnerability, something that very few characters can deliver. I don't ship Dr. Anya at all, and was happy with the way things played out. The Degrassi Bermuda Triangle is now located in Kenya, by the way ;) But I thought the Ownya action was a little random, but that was how it was supposed to be. I felt so bad for Anya, with all her rejections in the same day. I really love her, and I hope that she'll get more credit in the future. Awesome set up for her coke storyline. Anyways, Conner was tre awkward this episode. I felt bad when Fi rejected him like that, and laughed about it. :( But the pantie stealing thing was creepy. Wesley and Hannah - totally shipping. They were hilarious.

Idioteque- Great episode, solid and awesome. I throughly enjoyed the main Drianca plot. And while I don't like Bianca, I loved her in this one. She really likes Drew, if she was willing to hand herself over to Vince to protect him, then that's caring about someone. I felt awful, when Drew broke up with her after that. Drew was great as well, with his paranoia over Vince and his gang, and it was an eerie plot. Espiecally when the SUV was following him, I was scared. But when he was beat up in the middle of the street, I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I hope Drew recovers soon, as I'm liking him this season. Same thoughts on Owen/Anya as last episode, but I ship them this time. Poor Anya, with Holly J and Fiona being nasty indirectly, but still hilarious at the same time. Miss Oh taking a shower at school was really awkward, and Wesley was perfect as usual. Conner still creeped me out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spring Fever Episode Review


The beginning of the main storyline was boring. I was unengaged, and actually wondering why I had bothered to watch at all. Until Adam, came on screen, I was just watching because it was a New Degrassi Episode. I mean, my first thought was that Bianca was just becoming a more likeable character.Until . . . the night of the KeKe Palmer concert, when Anson showed up. Alicia's acting was brilliant, you could just tell by the fear in her ears that Anson was dangerous. After that, the plot kicked up, and I was vastly impressed by both Alicia and Luke. And was very pleased how the plot went from Bianca's almost rape, to a murder. I was happy with how the situation was handled, and was VERY pleased with Drew, and actually liked him in the episode. Overall, I enjoyed the storyline and thought it was well done, and I was intriuged with how the fear that both Bianca and Drew showed, and fascinated by how they worked out what they were going to do when Anson's murder charges. And for the first time I LOVED Drew. So, yes, I did enjoy this.


At first, I expected this to be like the fail storyline of Dr.Chris/Anya which will be making a haunting return tomorrow. But it wasn't, at all. New character Charlie is nothing like Fiona, but she seems like someone Fi will need in her life: Stable and there for her. I thought the interaction was cute, and hope the writers don't drop it in the next couple of episodes. It worked well, and I liked the whole sketching thing. The scooter obsession was sort of odd, but cute later on. I was happy with the B plot. Let's keep it at that.
Plot: SAV

Like many, I expected Sav and Keke Palmer's interaction to be boring and pointless. But I enjoyed it, to put it frankly. It wasn't random, because KeKe was already in town for the concert she was performing. Sav was depressed about Holly J the Heartbreaker, and when he met KeKe, I think he got overly excited after a minute long interaction. But throughout the episode, I realized the storyline was cute. I hope KeKe comes back to steal Sav from Miss Oh.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Degrassi Promos for 7/11/11

This week we've gotten two new promos! (Including another disgusting Cake kiss. Bleh. I just threw up) TeenNick released one yesterday, and Much Music today! I must say, they're both really good. (There's also an ImoEli kiss. Bleh. Threw up again)
Yeah! Yeah for limited commercials and interviews! Hooray!

Friday, July 8, 2011

DegrassiFanbase Contest Ends On July 20!

Munro and Annie are less than pleased as I am. 
You have less then a month left to submit your entries for the Degrassi Fanbase Couple Smack down which will take place from July 21 - July 30th. After some Degrassi tumblr and bloggers enter their top ten favorite couples. You the fans will vote right here at DegrassiFanbase.
If you'd like to enter and gave any questions how - contact me at @EClareJiberty or on my tumblr Ask Box.
Looking foward to reading!

  • Couple doesn't have to be an actual couple (.i.e. Craig/Ellie) but can't be a Crack Ship. Has to be two people that crushed on each other/kissed/one night stand/etc.
  • If you just started watching in season ten, and have only seen season 10, you are not able to enter. However, if you started watching in season ten and HAVE seen EVERY season, you ARE able to enter.
  • In your entry, you must number the couples. 1 being your all time favorite. I wonder how many EClare voters we'll get. ;)
  • You must include for each couple: why you love them, why they worked, and SHOULD they have ended up together. Not 'Oh I wanted them to.' Do you think the couple loved each other to be endgame?
  • You can enter at the two above links, my tumblr or my twitter.
  • Questions can be answered in the comments box.
  • On July 21, I'll make a post containing all the couples entered, and how many votes they got. 
  • I will right down what you said about the couple as well, and the fans who haven't entered, will vote on what they think.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Get Ready For Degrassi Marathon

TeenNick put this new promo at us yesterday! Which was orginally posted by Christy here: Thanks for posting it! TeenNick's going to be airing a New Generation marathon from seasons 8-10 for the next two weekends.
I for one, am very upset about this factor. You all know I'm an old generation Degrassi girl. I mean, I get the fact that all the characters now, (aside from Simspon, Holly J, Sav, Chantay, Anya and Clare who appeared before season 8) are all New Generation. But I like watching "Every Degrassi Ever" weekends on TeenNick leading up to new Degrassi. It makes it easier to wait for the new episodes.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Season 10, it's my second favorite season. So I'll have fun re-watching that. Season 9 - BLEH. I know what I won't be doing when they play that. And yeah, season eight! Love that one.
But to tell you the overall truth, I really like the originals, and seeing Emma, Manny and Liberty for like five seconds in season eight. Which doesn't really count.
Yeah, well anyway, I'm SO pysched for season 11, even more then I already was. Except for you know the disgusting Cake make out scenes that made me hurl my guts out. But forgetting that (Erasing it from my memory, never loving it all) Jenna hitting KC with her guitar was hilarious. Totally going to LOVE those episodes. Also seeing Dave peeing was something I didn't need to say. But seeing Adam made it all worth it. Is Bianca getting raped? I really don't want her to, even though I heavily dislike her. No body deserves that. Hoping that if she does get raped by the Kanye West look-a-like, the storyline'll live up to Darcy and Paige.
ELI SMASHING A COMPUTER. I know that was totally my favorite part of the promo, (second being the Drianca kiss) and I know that all of the tumbling people are saying that it has nothing to do with the epic fail of Cake. (Who might be worse then JTia) However though, I totally think that it has something to do with Cake. Since Eli now has no feelings, he probably over reacted to the stress of them together, and the rest of his life crumbling down on top of him. Therapy is something to overreact over, and it's obvious that he's overly stressed out. Very excited.

Moving on this summer, for the seven week event, my episode reviews will come twice a week. Doing full episode reviews, so two full episodes a week. Aside from week one, which will have four full episodes. See how it works, okay.

Any questions about Degrassi Fanbase or contacting, you can visit me here at @EClareJiberty or on Tumblr at