Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Get Ready For Degrassi Marathon

TeenNick put this new promo at us yesterday! Which was orginally posted by Christy here: Thanks for posting it! TeenNick's going to be airing a New Generation marathon from seasons 8-10 for the next two weekends.
I for one, am very upset about this factor. You all know I'm an old generation Degrassi girl. I mean, I get the fact that all the characters now, (aside from Simspon, Holly J, Sav, Chantay, Anya and Clare who appeared before season 8) are all New Generation. But I like watching "Every Degrassi Ever" weekends on TeenNick leading up to new Degrassi. It makes it easier to wait for the new episodes.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Season 10, it's my second favorite season. So I'll have fun re-watching that. Season 9 - BLEH. I know what I won't be doing when they play that. And yeah, season eight! Love that one.
But to tell you the overall truth, I really like the originals, and seeing Emma, Manny and Liberty for like five seconds in season eight. Which doesn't really count.
Yeah, well anyway, I'm SO pysched for season 11, even more then I already was. Except for you know the disgusting Cake make out scenes that made me hurl my guts out. But forgetting that (Erasing it from my memory, never loving it all) Jenna hitting KC with her guitar was hilarious. Totally going to LOVE those episodes. Also seeing Dave peeing was something I didn't need to say. But seeing Adam made it all worth it. Is Bianca getting raped? I really don't want her to, even though I heavily dislike her. No body deserves that. Hoping that if she does get raped by the Kanye West look-a-like, the storyline'll live up to Darcy and Paige.
ELI SMASHING A COMPUTER. I know that was totally my favorite part of the promo, (second being the Drianca kiss) and I know that all of the tumbling people are saying that it has nothing to do with the epic fail of Cake. (Who might be worse then JTia) However though, I totally think that it has something to do with Cake. Since Eli now has no feelings, he probably over reacted to the stress of them together, and the rest of his life crumbling down on top of him. Therapy is something to overreact over, and it's obvious that he's overly stressed out. Very excited.

Moving on this summer, for the seven week event, my episode reviews will come twice a week. Doing full episode reviews, so two full episodes a week. Aside from week one, which will have four full episodes. See how it works, okay.

Any questions about Degrassi Fanbase or contacting, you can visit me here at @EClareJiberty or on Tumblr at

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