Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spring Fever Episode Review


The beginning of the main storyline was boring. I was unengaged, and actually wondering why I had bothered to watch at all. Until Adam, came on screen, I was just watching because it was a New Degrassi Episode. I mean, my first thought was that Bianca was just becoming a more likeable character.Until . . . the night of the KeKe Palmer concert, when Anson showed up. Alicia's acting was brilliant, you could just tell by the fear in her ears that Anson was dangerous. After that, the plot kicked up, and I was vastly impressed by both Alicia and Luke. And was very pleased how the plot went from Bianca's almost rape, to a murder. I was happy with how the situation was handled, and was VERY pleased with Drew, and actually liked him in the episode. Overall, I enjoyed the storyline and thought it was well done, and I was intriuged with how the fear that both Bianca and Drew showed, and fascinated by how they worked out what they were going to do when Anson's murder charges. And for the first time I LOVED Drew. So, yes, I did enjoy this.


At first, I expected this to be like the fail storyline of Dr.Chris/Anya which will be making a haunting return tomorrow. But it wasn't, at all. New character Charlie is nothing like Fiona, but she seems like someone Fi will need in her life: Stable and there for her. I thought the interaction was cute, and hope the writers don't drop it in the next couple of episodes. It worked well, and I liked the whole sketching thing. The scooter obsession was sort of odd, but cute later on. I was happy with the B plot. Let's keep it at that.
Plot: SAV

Like many, I expected Sav and Keke Palmer's interaction to be boring and pointless. But I enjoyed it, to put it frankly. It wasn't random, because KeKe was already in town for the concert she was performing. Sav was depressed about Holly J the Heartbreaker, and when he met KeKe, I think he got overly excited after a minute long interaction. But throughout the episode, I realized the storyline was cute. I hope KeKe comes back to steal Sav from Miss Oh.

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