Monday, March 28, 2011

Chasing Pavements Promo

I don't know how I feel about this episode yet. I mean, okay, it's obvious that the whole Holly J/Fiona thing is happening in part 2, but honestly, I can tell already that Dean's trial (Season 4 premeire, The Ghost In The Machine) is going to be about ten billion times better. I really wished the Bobby storyline had just been dropped in Purple Pills. I don't think anyone really cares anymore. Fans are more about the FAdam/Folly J action then Fiona's abuse. I will admit though, I am extremely curious to see who wins the case, Fiona or Bobby. Who do you think will win?
Finally! Alli is finally returning to Degrassi, and I am so happy to see her and Clare together as BFFLs once again! As for the Owen/Anya thing, I am looking foward to seeing how that whole thing is going to play out. I mean - Owya? Really, Degrassi? You don't want to repeat the Jia breakout of 2006 do you?

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