Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hide and Seek Episode Review

 Okay, so Holly J's sick. Really, Degrassi? I'm sorry but I really didn't find this plot as interesting as it could have been. I mean, okay, we get it there's something wrong with her, which took all the way until part two of the episode for us to find out. I set aside 9-9:30 on my friday nights to sit my couch and watch quality television, but this plot was just pathetic. A Degrassi main character hasn't been sick since . . . Spinner, I think (correct me if I'm wrong) and I really don't see any point in comparing a great cancer storyline to just some storyline about Holly J denying that she's deathly ill. And in the end, I was actually even more dissapointed. Strep went to her kidneys. That could've easily have been treated if Holly J accepted her illness in part one and they didn't drag this thing out till Part two.
The best part of this was Johnny DiMarco. May I just say how much I flipping love Johnny?? He was so much better of a character in this episode, which really boosted up my opinion of the Holly J thing. Alli's running away has taken up over six episodes and I am so sick of it right now. I like Alli and all, but seriously, I haven't been so sick of her season eight! Degrassi made such a big deal of this storyline, but I didn't think it was relatable enough. No one's parents would be as accepting as the Bhandarri's were. However, I loved the scene at the end where they all take the family photo. And part two made me like Sav alot. He was really considerate to his little sister, and that helped the plot move along. Overall though, my favorite part was Johnny's mention of him having to watch JT got stabbed back in season 6. And then I hated Alli for being all 'This is different!' Oh okay, you didn't have to watch someone die. You just acted like a slut . . .
Wesley. Only Wesley could make up for a complete disaster of an episode. I'm still waiting for the day that they give him and the Tenners (and Sadie!) a main plot, because with the exception of Umbrella every third plot they were given made the two other suckish storylines better. And now here he is, trying to break a world record. When he came on a pogo stick, I was laughing so hard, my mom thought something was wrong. But seriously, I enjoyed every second of this plot, and loved Wesley interaction with this Hannah character. I'm so excited to see what's move to come with Wesannah!

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