Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Tribute to JT Yorke

From 2001, it was clear that James Tibierius Yorke (played to hilarious perfecion by Ryan Cooley) would be the Degrassi fan favorite. From Liberty Van Zhandt's obsession with the school jokester, to heliping out his best friends, Toby Issacs, Manny Santos and Emma Nelson with any problem - he was there. Six seasons and six years on Degrassi,  JT quickly became the name 'Degrassi.' Because it couldn't be what it is today without him. From legendary couple Jiberty, to it's tragic breakup, and one of the most remembered pregnancies - they live on today in Degrassi record books.
Perhaps the most remembered and memorable episode in Degrassu history - Rock This Town - where JT was stabbed in the back by Lakehurst student, Drake Lempkey. An outbreak from fans, and a fallen show.

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