Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Review of The Way We Get By

I had always liked Drew and Alli, but this polt definatley made me like Drew/Bianca alot more than I ever thought I would. They're sort of like Degrassi's new Jay/Alex. Which can either be a good thing, or a bad thing. So far, Degrassi has made the whole bad boy - bad girl combination work. I'm really hoping they can keep it up, and I'm looking foward to seeing what else they have in store. But I really think that this plot had a lot of great scenes with the return of the infamous ravine, (which I have heard will be coming back once again.) and the hilarious Drew gets hugh on shrooms scene. Luke Bilyk and Alicia Jospivic have great chemistry, and will make a great edition to the Degrassi shippers.
 Riley Stavros and Zane Park have always been two loves of mine. I've always thought their relationship had it's ups and downs - which made it somewhat interesting. And for once in this episode, they had a plot that wasn't centered around Riley making a mistake. It was a genuine plot about coming out to parents. Which to many teens, becomes a very big deal. I found this storyline to be intruiging, considering we've been waiting since Season 8's Man With Two Hearts for Riley to offically be outted. Espeically to his parents. But the best part of the episode was Riley, Zane and Thomas at the art exhibit, 'Interesting,' as Riley put it. I thought Zane was so great with helping his boyfreind deal with the fact that his mom wasn't ready to accept that gay. Honestly though, I thought that Degrassi could have made Riley coming out to his mother a much bigger deal.
Plot: ALLI
The return of Alli Bhandarri! Honestly, I have always loved Alli's storylines and she has always been so interesting. And this plot didn't dissapoint! We finally got to see what her new school was like. But with 'good girl' Malika in the picture, poor Alli was put in her parents' bad books again when holding Malika's cigarette. The plot could've been improved, because I think we all want to see Alli go back to her life at Degrassi. But it was a great start up for Jesus Etc, with an awesome brother-sister scene!

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