Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Entry for the DegrassiFanbase Contest


I haven't even entered my own contest yet. Duh, I'm an idiot. Okay, here we go . . .
1) Is a tie.
JT and Liberty
I thought that they fit together really well. They had hardly anything in common, but I thought their relationship really expressed genuine love. The two of them fought tons after they broke up, always telling Toby how much they couldn't stand the other, but in the end, they really did love each other. And that's pretty much why I heart Jiberty. They had a rocky beginning. A rocky relationship. And the farthest thing from a happy ending. But they had one thing in common - love. And that's what Degrassi pairings should be about.
Eli and Clare
The way they started out was undeniably perfect. You can say what you want about EClare, but their flirting and partnership was ADORABLE. Tireless attempts at a relationship during the Boiling Point, worked out well in their favor. Because I'm pretty sure the writers give them the most interesting plots on purpose. After they became a couple, they had so many struggles and things pulling them back down, they still stayed together, all of that. Jealousy and instability eventually got the best of them, and I miss the days where they were each other's 'rock.' Oh yes, another couple who ACTUALLY LOVED EACH OTHER.
2) Peter and Darcy

In season five, I hated Peter. In season six, I still hated him. But I always liked Darcy for some reason, and when they got together, it worked well. Darcy helped Peter stop being a jerk, Peter helped Darcy with her rape. I did think that after all that, they'd make it through, but unfortunatley, they did not. Whatever though, I'll always love Parcy.
3)Declan and Holly J
I know, shocking. I hate Holly J in seasons seven and eight, but suprisingly, I only liked her in season nine because of Declan. Declan was also a big jerk for breaking up Spane. But together, they work. Two  former villians forming a power based relationship was amazing. I LOVED them in Degrassi Takes Manhattan, and even though that was the last time I cared for Dolly J, they were awesome in season nine.
4)Sean and Ellie
You all know that I love SEmma, but I think I love Sellie more. Their sort of like Parcy, but I love Parcy more. I have mixed feelings for Sellie, but overall, I loved their relationship. Their scenes in Take On Me were adorable, and I loved how they helped each other out. Sean became who he is with Ellie's help, and Ellie became sweeter and even better because of Sean.
5) Jay and Manny
In a time of failure that was season. JT was dead, Jiberty was also dead, Semma had broken up, Palex was awful, Marco was terrible. And yet, Jay, who I had hated up until that point redeemed himself when he fell for Manny. She needed him as a fake fiancee, and he needed her just because well - he loved her. They fell for each other, and each became a better person.
6) Craig and Manny
Haha, I'm bias. During the whole Crash vs Cranny thing, I rooted for Manny just because I hate Ashley. But I think I love Cranny because of how wild they were, and how yet sweet they were at the same time. Though I loved them in season five more, season three was also great. They had alot of history, and Craig was always best with Manny.
7) Sean and Emma
I heart Semma. They are the original Eli and Clare. Good Girl meets Bad Boy. They were really cute in season one. But just okay in season two, and downright AWFUL in season three. Maybe that's because I hated Emma in that one. But in season six, they redeemed themselves, by becoming a standout couple in yet another time of terror for couples. I was sad that Emma didn't end up marrying Sean.
8) Zane and Riley
They started out as pretty much an attempt to bring a new Dylan and Marco to the scene. I didn't think I like Ziley, because I HATED Darco. But Ziley worked. They were cute, and new. When they first came on, I had never seen anything like it. I like Zane better then Riley, so they make me like him a little more. They never worked out for a while, but eventually did in the end.
9) Craig and Ashley
For someone who loves Cranny so much, Crashley is the devil. But yet, a part of me loves them. Craig Manning, hi, I love you. I really just adored them in Voices Carry, maybe because I'm a sucker for instability. But yeah, they were a cool rock n' roll couple.
10) Spinner and Jane
I love them seperately and together. Jane had issues in season eight, and thanks to Darcy, Spinner had already become a better person. But she helped him through his cancer, and he helped her through everything else. They were the best with each other. The only reason they are not higher up is because of the cheating situation in Degrassi Takes Manhattan.

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