Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TeenNick's April Highlights

TeenNick has released the descriptions for Chasing Pavements part 2, Drop the World part 1, and the season finale Drop the World part 2. I'm sorry FAdam fans, but as an EClare fan, I must say that both Drop the Worlds draw my attention most . . .

Premieres Friday, 4/8 at 9pm ET
“Chasing Pavements, pt. 2″

Fiona tries to pick up where she left off with Adam. But is she into him for who he really is… or who she wants him to be?

Premieres Friday, 4/15 at 9pm ET
“Drop the World, pt. 1″

Eli is getting increasingly intense about his and Clare’s need for togetherness. Is he just in love, or is something else going on here?

Season Finale
Premieres Friday, 4/22 at 9pm ET
“Drop the World, pt. 2″

Eli promises he’ll give Clare the space she’s asking for. Can he hold to his word, or will he still find a way to draw her back to him?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hide and Seek Episode Review

 Okay, so Holly J's sick. Really, Degrassi? I'm sorry but I really didn't find this plot as interesting as it could have been. I mean, okay, we get it there's something wrong with her, which took all the way until part two of the episode for us to find out. I set aside 9-9:30 on my friday nights to sit my couch and watch quality television, but this plot was just pathetic. A Degrassi main character hasn't been sick since . . . Spinner, I think (correct me if I'm wrong) and I really don't see any point in comparing a great cancer storyline to just some storyline about Holly J denying that she's deathly ill. And in the end, I was actually even more dissapointed. Strep went to her kidneys. That could've easily have been treated if Holly J accepted her illness in part one and they didn't drag this thing out till Part two.
The best part of this was Johnny DiMarco. May I just say how much I flipping love Johnny?? He was so much better of a character in this episode, which really boosted up my opinion of the Holly J thing. Alli's running away has taken up over six episodes and I am so sick of it right now. I like Alli and all, but seriously, I haven't been so sick of her season eight! Degrassi made such a big deal of this storyline, but I didn't think it was relatable enough. No one's parents would be as accepting as the Bhandarri's were. However, I loved the scene at the end where they all take the family photo. And part two made me like Sav alot. He was really considerate to his little sister, and that helped the plot move along. Overall though, my favorite part was Johnny's mention of him having to watch JT got stabbed back in season 6. And then I hated Alli for being all 'This is different!' Oh okay, you didn't have to watch someone die. You just acted like a slut . . .
Wesley. Only Wesley could make up for a complete disaster of an episode. I'm still waiting for the day that they give him and the Tenners (and Sadie!) a main plot, because with the exception of Umbrella every third plot they were given made the two other suckish storylines better. And now here he is, trying to break a world record. When he came on a pogo stick, I was laughing so hard, my mom thought something was wrong. But seriously, I enjoyed every second of this plot, and loved Wesley interaction with this Hannah character. I'm so excited to see what's move to come with Wesannah!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Love's A Wild Ride Promo

Here's the AMAZING new promo for Chasing Pavements & Drop the World.
I can't beleive I'm saying this, but this is the most intense one yet!

Chasing Pavements Promo

I don't know how I feel about this episode yet. I mean, okay, it's obvious that the whole Holly J/Fiona thing is happening in part 2, but honestly, I can tell already that Dean's trial (Season 4 premeire, The Ghost In The Machine) is going to be about ten billion times better. I really wished the Bobby storyline had just been dropped in Purple Pills. I don't think anyone really cares anymore. Fans are more about the FAdam/Folly J action then Fiona's abuse. I will admit though, I am extremely curious to see who wins the case, Fiona or Bobby. Who do you think will win?
Finally! Alli is finally returning to Degrassi, and I am so happy to see her and Clare together as BFFLs once again! As for the Owen/Anya thing, I am looking foward to seeing how that whole thing is going to play out. I mean - Owya? Really, Degrassi? You don't want to repeat the Jia breakout of 2006 do you?

My Review of Jesus, Etc.

Plot: Eli/Clare/Fitz
 As a true EClare fangirl, I honestly have to say ''squeel!"  for the scenes in this episode. Once again, Eli and Clare prove as Degrassi's supercouple and most interesting pair. I admit, Eli is over protective, but I honestly beleive that there might be something else about why he acts the way he does. The only thing that kind of annoyed me about this storyline, was Clare letting Fitz treat her like a maid in part two. That whole situation where Fitz admits his crush on her was a little eeriw, because I felt the entire time like I was missing something I was supposed to understand. Like Fitz was just faking the entire thing to get under Eli's skin. And I didn't think that part one was even close to as good as part two.And the end of part two, was absolutley amazing . . . though, Eli's line 'He grabs his knife, cuts her throat, drinks her blood and forever they are one' line was the creepist thing I have ever heard in my life. (No matter how good Munro looked in that leather jacket) Which is just Degrassi telling us by Clare's expression that EClare's troubles are not over and solved yet. May I just predict for a second? By the way Eli acted in that episode, 'I LOVE CLARE EDWARDS!,' his facial expressions and just his general way . . . kind of reminded me of Craig. I'll give you a shoutout if you can tell me what that means. (Even though I thought that was adorable - and when Clare said I love Eli to Fitz. Just the way Eli screamed it to everyone was adorable)
I thought part one was a little over rated with fans. Alli had every right to be angry and Sav for accepting Drew as drummer. Can't he just ask Spinner or something? But part two, was much better. Sav trying to deny the fact that Alli had run away from home, because of him. This could have easily been something that real teenager went through. May I just say? This episode made me love Alli even more than I already do, as she was obviously tragically 'being abducted.' Okay, and I'm sorry, I know that the whole Alli getting into a car thing was supposed to be serious, but it wasn't. We all knew it was Johnny.

Sorry, but this plot does not even deserve a picture. The last time I hated a plot this much . . . maybe like back in season seven with the whole Danny/Derek/Rachel thing. But seriously, okay, I will admit part two was way better. But other wise, honestly, who gives a pancake about Kenna. It's obvious that they're not going to be good parents, and they make every other pregnancy on Degrassi look way more serious then it already is. Is KC so stupid that he thinks Jenna can go skateboarding? Is Jenna so conceited that she had to sing to that Caleb kid? (who was the best part of the plot, BTW)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Tribute to JT Yorke

From 2001, it was clear that James Tibierius Yorke (played to hilarious perfecion by Ryan Cooley) would be the Degrassi fan favorite. From Liberty Van Zhandt's obsession with the school jokester, to heliping out his best friends, Toby Issacs, Manny Santos and Emma Nelson with any problem - he was there. Six seasons and six years on Degrassi,  JT quickly became the name 'Degrassi.' Because it couldn't be what it is today without him. From legendary couple Jiberty, to it's tragic breakup, and one of the most remembered pregnancies - they live on today in Degrassi record books.
Perhaps the most remembered and memorable episode in Degrassu history - Rock This Town - where JT was stabbed in the back by Lakehurst student, Drake Lempkey. An outbreak from fans, and a fallen show.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Review of The Way We Get By

I had always liked Drew and Alli, but this polt definatley made me like Drew/Bianca alot more than I ever thought I would. They're sort of like Degrassi's new Jay/Alex. Which can either be a good thing, or a bad thing. So far, Degrassi has made the whole bad boy - bad girl combination work. I'm really hoping they can keep it up, and I'm looking foward to seeing what else they have in store. But I really think that this plot had a lot of great scenes with the return of the infamous ravine, (which I have heard will be coming back once again.) and the hilarious Drew gets hugh on shrooms scene. Luke Bilyk and Alicia Jospivic have great chemistry, and will make a great edition to the Degrassi shippers.
 Riley Stavros and Zane Park have always been two loves of mine. I've always thought their relationship had it's ups and downs - which made it somewhat interesting. And for once in this episode, they had a plot that wasn't centered around Riley making a mistake. It was a genuine plot about coming out to parents. Which to many teens, becomes a very big deal. I found this storyline to be intruiging, considering we've been waiting since Season 8's Man With Two Hearts for Riley to offically be outted. Espeically to his parents. But the best part of the episode was Riley, Zane and Thomas at the art exhibit, 'Interesting,' as Riley put it. I thought Zane was so great with helping his boyfreind deal with the fact that his mom wasn't ready to accept that gay. Honestly though, I thought that Degrassi could have made Riley coming out to his mother a much bigger deal.
Plot: ALLI
The return of Alli Bhandarri! Honestly, I have always loved Alli's storylines and she has always been so interesting. And this plot didn't dissapoint! We finally got to see what her new school was like. But with 'good girl' Malika in the picture, poor Alli was put in her parents' bad books again when holding Malika's cigarette. The plot could've been improved, because I think we all want to see Alli go back to her life at Degrassi. But it was a great start up for Jesus Etc, with an awesome brother-sister scene!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jesus Etc Promos and Thoughts

Wow, what an overrated episode we saw last night. Why do I feel like there was more Sav/Alli then what we really wanted to see - Fitz turn to Jesus!
(Sorry for the bad quality!) I think Jesus Etc part 2 is going to be better then part 1. I'm really looking foward to seeing Eli tell Clare "I just feel like you're slipping away . . . don't leave me okay? Please . . ." That was too adorable for words - but still - how DOES FITZ KNOW WHERE SHE LIVES? Fitz was beginning to creep me out in that promo, and Eli was being even more attractove then usual. I think it's safe to see - this'll be an awesome EClare episode! As for Sav and Alli, I think it'll interesting to see where Alli runs away to. It's been rumoured on the return of Johnny DiMarco (Seasons 6-9) Johnny plays Maliaka's boyfriend, and is also the person that Alli turns to for help. Now, I am not a Johnny fan, considering 'You Be Illin'' 'Whats it feel Like To Be A Ghost?' and 'Rock This Town.' But U think a Jalli return will totally lift our spirits! As for Jenna/KC - does anyone really care?