Saturday, July 23, 2011

Now or Never Week One: Review

Above are the two new promos released for next week's episodes 'Cry Me A River' 1&2 and 'Dirt Off Your Shoulder' 1&2.
Anyway, down to busniess. Instead of reviewing the episodes every night, I'm going to do a week overview of the reviews. Okay? Understood.
Since I Already did Spring Fever, so I might as well move onto my opinions on . . . duh duh duuunnn. . .

LoveGame: After finally getting used at all of these two parters, I'm sort of confused on why they went to back to having just a couple of single standing episodes. Anyway, as a huge EClare fangirl, I had high expectations for this one. Those expectations weren't exactly met. The storyline was solid, but I didn't like the way things played out. Cake was really rushed, and I could see Clare's anger, but thought it needed more then one episode to flesh out. And I'm not being bias, but I HATE Jake. He's a cocky jerk, who's reminding me of the old season 10 Drew. That is NOT  a compliment. Heck, he's even worse then Drew. I hope his character becomes more developed so I don't have to be mad at him all season. As for Eli - we know he'll be off his meds soon, and I'm glad he was okay in this one. KC and Jenna's storyline started off well, something that I'm shocked at. I really liked Jenna, but became fed up with KC as the episode began. Yep, that's all I have to say. Oh, and I don't ship Cake what so ever.

What's My Age Again?: Best episode of the week, in my opinion. Anya portrayed perfect vulnerability, something that very few characters can deliver. I don't ship Dr. Anya at all, and was happy with the way things played out. The Degrassi Bermuda Triangle is now located in Kenya, by the way ;) But I thought the Ownya action was a little random, but that was how it was supposed to be. I felt so bad for Anya, with all her rejections in the same day. I really love her, and I hope that she'll get more credit in the future. Awesome set up for her coke storyline. Anyways, Conner was tre awkward this episode. I felt bad when Fi rejected him like that, and laughed about it. :( But the pantie stealing thing was creepy. Wesley and Hannah - totally shipping. They were hilarious.

Idioteque- Great episode, solid and awesome. I throughly enjoyed the main Drianca plot. And while I don't like Bianca, I loved her in this one. She really likes Drew, if she was willing to hand herself over to Vince to protect him, then that's caring about someone. I felt awful, when Drew broke up with her after that. Drew was great as well, with his paranoia over Vince and his gang, and it was an eerie plot. Espiecally when the SUV was following him, I was scared. But when he was beat up in the middle of the street, I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I hope Drew recovers soon, as I'm liking him this season. Same thoughts on Owen/Anya as last episode, but I ship them this time. Poor Anya, with Holly J and Fiona being nasty indirectly, but still hilarious at the same time. Miss Oh taking a shower at school was really awkward, and Wesley was perfect as usual. Conner still creeped me out.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spring Fever Episode Review


The beginning of the main storyline was boring. I was unengaged, and actually wondering why I had bothered to watch at all. Until Adam, came on screen, I was just watching because it was a New Degrassi Episode. I mean, my first thought was that Bianca was just becoming a more likeable character.Until . . . the night of the KeKe Palmer concert, when Anson showed up. Alicia's acting was brilliant, you could just tell by the fear in her ears that Anson was dangerous. After that, the plot kicked up, and I was vastly impressed by both Alicia and Luke. And was very pleased how the plot went from Bianca's almost rape, to a murder. I was happy with how the situation was handled, and was VERY pleased with Drew, and actually liked him in the episode. Overall, I enjoyed the storyline and thought it was well done, and I was intriuged with how the fear that both Bianca and Drew showed, and fascinated by how they worked out what they were going to do when Anson's murder charges. And for the first time I LOVED Drew. So, yes, I did enjoy this.


At first, I expected this to be like the fail storyline of Dr.Chris/Anya which will be making a haunting return tomorrow. But it wasn't, at all. New character Charlie is nothing like Fiona, but she seems like someone Fi will need in her life: Stable and there for her. I thought the interaction was cute, and hope the writers don't drop it in the next couple of episodes. It worked well, and I liked the whole sketching thing. The scooter obsession was sort of odd, but cute later on. I was happy with the B plot. Let's keep it at that.
Plot: SAV

Like many, I expected Sav and Keke Palmer's interaction to be boring and pointless. But I enjoyed it, to put it frankly. It wasn't random, because KeKe was already in town for the concert she was performing. Sav was depressed about Holly J the Heartbreaker, and when he met KeKe, I think he got overly excited after a minute long interaction. But throughout the episode, I realized the storyline was cute. I hope KeKe comes back to steal Sav from Miss Oh.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Degrassi Promos for 7/11/11

This week we've gotten two new promos! (Including another disgusting Cake kiss. Bleh. I just threw up) TeenNick released one yesterday, and Much Music today! I must say, they're both really good. (There's also an ImoEli kiss. Bleh. Threw up again)
Yeah! Yeah for limited commercials and interviews! Hooray!

Friday, July 8, 2011

DegrassiFanbase Contest Ends On July 20!

Munro and Annie are less than pleased as I am. 
You have less then a month left to submit your entries for the Degrassi Fanbase Couple Smack down which will take place from July 21 - July 30th. After some Degrassi tumblr and bloggers enter their top ten favorite couples. You the fans will vote right here at DegrassiFanbase.
If you'd like to enter and gave any questions how - contact me at @EClareJiberty or on my tumblr Ask Box.
Looking foward to reading!

  • Couple doesn't have to be an actual couple (.i.e. Craig/Ellie) but can't be a Crack Ship. Has to be two people that crushed on each other/kissed/one night stand/etc.
  • If you just started watching in season ten, and have only seen season 10, you are not able to enter. However, if you started watching in season ten and HAVE seen EVERY season, you ARE able to enter.
  • In your entry, you must number the couples. 1 being your all time favorite. I wonder how many EClare voters we'll get. ;)
  • You must include for each couple: why you love them, why they worked, and SHOULD they have ended up together. Not 'Oh I wanted them to.' Do you think the couple loved each other to be endgame?
  • You can enter at the two above links, my tumblr or my twitter.
  • Questions can be answered in the comments box.
  • On July 21, I'll make a post containing all the couples entered, and how many votes they got. 
  • I will right down what you said about the couple as well, and the fans who haven't entered, will vote on what they think.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Get Ready For Degrassi Marathon

TeenNick put this new promo at us yesterday! Which was orginally posted by Christy here: Thanks for posting it! TeenNick's going to be airing a New Generation marathon from seasons 8-10 for the next two weekends.
I for one, am very upset about this factor. You all know I'm an old generation Degrassi girl. I mean, I get the fact that all the characters now, (aside from Simspon, Holly J, Sav, Chantay, Anya and Clare who appeared before season 8) are all New Generation. But I like watching "Every Degrassi Ever" weekends on TeenNick leading up to new Degrassi. It makes it easier to wait for the new episodes.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Season 10, it's my second favorite season. So I'll have fun re-watching that. Season 9 - BLEH. I know what I won't be doing when they play that. And yeah, season eight! Love that one.
But to tell you the overall truth, I really like the originals, and seeing Emma, Manny and Liberty for like five seconds in season eight. Which doesn't really count.
Yeah, well anyway, I'm SO pysched for season 11, even more then I already was. Except for you know the disgusting Cake make out scenes that made me hurl my guts out. But forgetting that (Erasing it from my memory, never loving it all) Jenna hitting KC with her guitar was hilarious. Totally going to LOVE those episodes. Also seeing Dave peeing was something I didn't need to say. But seeing Adam made it all worth it. Is Bianca getting raped? I really don't want her to, even though I heavily dislike her. No body deserves that. Hoping that if she does get raped by the Kanye West look-a-like, the storyline'll live up to Darcy and Paige.
ELI SMASHING A COMPUTER. I know that was totally my favorite part of the promo, (second being the Drianca kiss) and I know that all of the tumbling people are saying that it has nothing to do with the epic fail of Cake. (Who might be worse then JTia) However though, I totally think that it has something to do with Cake. Since Eli now has no feelings, he probably over reacted to the stress of them together, and the rest of his life crumbling down on top of him. Therapy is something to overreact over, and it's obvious that he's overly stressed out. Very excited.

Moving on this summer, for the seven week event, my episode reviews will come twice a week. Doing full episode reviews, so two full episodes a week. Aside from week one, which will have four full episodes. See how it works, okay.

Any questions about Degrassi Fanbase or contacting, you can visit me here at @EClareJiberty or on Tumblr at

Monday, June 27, 2011

Favorite Degrassi Minis

So I was watching some of the good ol' Degrassi Minis yesterday. The really GREAT ones, not the stupid no ones and decided to share some of my favorites with you!
Degrassi Party Ettiquette. ^^^^ Hilarious. It's impossible not to laugh at the goofiness of that one! Oh, Toby and Holly J? Priceless!
This one, Six Monthes. ^^ My cries. You can probably see why I like it.

My cries once again. The saddest mini, but also my favorite. I Won't Forget is flawless.
Part 2 of Monster Moon is really the only one worth watching. It's also really the only great Degrassi mini from season 10. It's hilarious.
Good Times is the best mini from season 9. It's one of the ONLY reasons to actually watch that mediocre season.
It's impossible to not laugh at the humor in this one. Because every comment is just really funny, and unfortunatley, kinda true.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Season 11 Opening Credits

Yep, here you go! TeenNick posted the new opening credits today. They weren't working for a while, but here they are up and ready! I thought it was going to Jake Epstein or Cassie Steele singing, but seeing that it's Alexz Johnson, I can't say I'm suprised. Stephen tweets about her ALOT. I thought she did a great job with a new take on the theme!
As for the credits, they are definitely up there. Now nothing will replace my love of the season 4 credits, but these were plain amazing. Adam hanging was cute. Uh, my cries. Clare came after Jake in this one. I gotta admit, I'm a little shocked Chantay is still there. But maybe they'll pull a Blue and only put her in like one episode. Haha. Holly J and Anya graduating. I hate Imogen already, she look's like she's gonna be a real fake. I am SUPER excited for the Eli/Fiona friendship, they look like they'll balance each other out. Perhaps become the new Ellie/Marco.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Entry for the DegrassiFanbase Contest


I haven't even entered my own contest yet. Duh, I'm an idiot. Okay, here we go . . .
1) Is a tie.
JT and Liberty
I thought that they fit together really well. They had hardly anything in common, but I thought their relationship really expressed genuine love. The two of them fought tons after they broke up, always telling Toby how much they couldn't stand the other, but in the end, they really did love each other. And that's pretty much why I heart Jiberty. They had a rocky beginning. A rocky relationship. And the farthest thing from a happy ending. But they had one thing in common - love. And that's what Degrassi pairings should be about.
Eli and Clare
The way they started out was undeniably perfect. You can say what you want about EClare, but their flirting and partnership was ADORABLE. Tireless attempts at a relationship during the Boiling Point, worked out well in their favor. Because I'm pretty sure the writers give them the most interesting plots on purpose. After they became a couple, they had so many struggles and things pulling them back down, they still stayed together, all of that. Jealousy and instability eventually got the best of them, and I miss the days where they were each other's 'rock.' Oh yes, another couple who ACTUALLY LOVED EACH OTHER.
2) Peter and Darcy

In season five, I hated Peter. In season six, I still hated him. But I always liked Darcy for some reason, and when they got together, it worked well. Darcy helped Peter stop being a jerk, Peter helped Darcy with her rape. I did think that after all that, they'd make it through, but unfortunatley, they did not. Whatever though, I'll always love Parcy.
3)Declan and Holly J
I know, shocking. I hate Holly J in seasons seven and eight, but suprisingly, I only liked her in season nine because of Declan. Declan was also a big jerk for breaking up Spane. But together, they work. Two  former villians forming a power based relationship was amazing. I LOVED them in Degrassi Takes Manhattan, and even though that was the last time I cared for Dolly J, they were awesome in season nine.
4)Sean and Ellie
You all know that I love SEmma, but I think I love Sellie more. Their sort of like Parcy, but I love Parcy more. I have mixed feelings for Sellie, but overall, I loved their relationship. Their scenes in Take On Me were adorable, and I loved how they helped each other out. Sean became who he is with Ellie's help, and Ellie became sweeter and even better because of Sean.
5) Jay and Manny
In a time of failure that was season. JT was dead, Jiberty was also dead, Semma had broken up, Palex was awful, Marco was terrible. And yet, Jay, who I had hated up until that point redeemed himself when he fell for Manny. She needed him as a fake fiancee, and he needed her just because well - he loved her. They fell for each other, and each became a better person.
6) Craig and Manny
Haha, I'm bias. During the whole Crash vs Cranny thing, I rooted for Manny just because I hate Ashley. But I think I love Cranny because of how wild they were, and how yet sweet they were at the same time. Though I loved them in season five more, season three was also great. They had alot of history, and Craig was always best with Manny.
7) Sean and Emma
I heart Semma. They are the original Eli and Clare. Good Girl meets Bad Boy. They were really cute in season one. But just okay in season two, and downright AWFUL in season three. Maybe that's because I hated Emma in that one. But in season six, they redeemed themselves, by becoming a standout couple in yet another time of terror for couples. I was sad that Emma didn't end up marrying Sean.
8) Zane and Riley
They started out as pretty much an attempt to bring a new Dylan and Marco to the scene. I didn't think I like Ziley, because I HATED Darco. But Ziley worked. They were cute, and new. When they first came on, I had never seen anything like it. I like Zane better then Riley, so they make me like him a little more. They never worked out for a while, but eventually did in the end.
9) Craig and Ashley
For someone who loves Cranny so much, Crashley is the devil. But yet, a part of me loves them. Craig Manning, hi, I love you. I really just adored them in Voices Carry, maybe because I'm a sucker for instability. But yeah, they were a cool rock n' roll couple.
10) Spinner and Jane
I love them seperately and together. Jane had issues in season eight, and thanks to Darcy, Spinner had already become a better person. But she helped him through his cancer, and he helped her through everything else. They were the best with each other. The only reason they are not higher up is because of the cheating situation in Degrassi Takes Manhattan.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Season 11 Episode Descriptions

Degrassi Spring Fever – Mon, 7/18 9pm (Hour Long Spiecal)
Degrassi’s got Spring Break fever, wooo! Keke Palmer’s playing a concert — and Sav’s heartstrings — while Drew and Bianca get in WAY too deep.
LoveGame – Tues, 7/19 9pm et
Eli seems to be taking his and Clare’s break-up well… a little too well for Clare’s liking, actually. Will a new guy help her get closure?
What’s My Age Again? – Wed, 7/20 9pm et
Anya’s 18th birthday is nigh… paging Dr. Chris! And KC is trapped in baby-ville with Jenna; but is there an escape hatch?
Idioteque – Thurs, 7/21 9pm et
Drew’s life was so much simpler before Bianca was in it. Would it be simple again if she were gone?
Cry Me a River, pt. 1 – Mon, 7/25 9pm et
Dave and Adam are vying for a spot hosting a show on Degrassi’s airwaves. But is Dave ready to share the air with a transgender guy?
Cry Me a River, pt. 2 – Tues, 7/26 9pm et
When the school backlashes against Dave for his offensive outburst against transgender students, he’s left feeling persecuted and censored.
Dirt Off Your Shoulder, pt. 1 – Wed, 7/27 9pm et
Eli’s got professional help handling the pressure of writing the school play, but there are no miracles. Will a new heroine save the day?
Dirt Off Your Shoulder, pt. 2 – Thurs, 7/28 9p et
Riley’s family isn’t changing, and neither is Zane. Faced with an impossible choice between them, Riley can’t put it off any longer.

Okay, I am sick to my stomach reading these episode descriptions. Thank you to Kyle for posting them as usual! So far, I think I'm most excited for LoveGame, Cry Me A River 1&2 and Dirt Off Your Shoulder. Seeing Clare trying to make Eli jealous will be awesome, because jealousy is always interesting in the Degrassi universe. I'm pro-EClare so of course I'm happy, because I'm almost positive they're getting back together. Also, you all know I hate Dave. And you all know I <3 Adam. So we know how this storyline's playing out in my opinion. Get ready for the hate in that review when the episode airs, Dave. Dirt Off Your Shoulder. One world. IMOELI. I HATE YOU. No, no, no. I can already tell I'm gonna hate Imogen. So, no, they aren't worse then Cake. They are tied for passionate hatred. But an Eli episode is always interesting. So, you know.

New Degrassi Fanbase Contest/MuchMusic Promo

Above is the brand new promo for MuchMusic. And at this point, I have no clue what's going on. It's obvious that Eli's made it so he can't have emotions. That I'm sure of. Fiona's getting a love interest? Covered. Clare's using Jake to attempt to make Eli jealous? Yep. Holly J? No. I already know I'm going to continue my hatred of Dave this season. Cake and ImoEli were probably be my new JTia. Which if you're new, means my new passionate hatred, I will probably hate both of them more. And I didn't think that was possible.
Drianca's getting the biggest storyline, that's for sure. That creepy black guy's gonna probably rape Bianca. Drew's gonna be the good guy and get revenge. For once. KC's cheating on Jenna with Marisol. Why? I will never know. I wish we could go back to nice-boy-troubled-past-season-8 KC. Because latley, I've been hating him. And for once? I meet be team Jenna. I know, shocking.

Anyway, to the contest. Any Degrassi blogger can enter. All you have to do is send me/make a post about/or talk about your top ten Degrassi couples. On July 20, all entries will be put onto in a new post surrounding the bloggers that entering and the couples entered. Yes, you get a shout out. Once all couples are entered, I'll list the number of people that voted them in their top ten. If you don't have a blog? Come to the comments box and list me your top ten when I make the post. The couple that receives the most points in the end will be noted 'King' and 'Queen' of Degrassi.
So far entered, we have the hilarious Taylor and Alex from the Degrassi Experience. Follow them on Twitter at:!/DG_Experience or see their Video Blog at: You can check for their entry soon! Also already entered is the awesome Kary from Kary's Degrassi Blog. You can follow him on twitter at:!/DocBowser1079 or visit his age at: He's entered, and when on July 20, I'll post what he said. Thank you :)
Leave me your comments if you have any questions.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Degrassi Now or Never TeenNick Promo released the brand new Degrassi promo for this summer on Friday! If I wasn't excited before, I certainly am now! Unfortunatley, I've been two stressed over the EClare/disgusting Cake-ImoEli scenes to speak. More to come later.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Degrassi: Now or Never

Hey, guys! Sorry I've been MIA lately, but I've been pretty busy with school. Anyway, Teen Nick came out with a brand new promo on Monday, although leaked over the weekend. The new block of episodes will be called Degrassi: Now or Never and will run for seven weeks, every weekday over the summer. I'm really looking forward to seeing the actions between the characters, most specifically Anya, Clare, Jake, Eli and Imogen. But, I am NOT shipping Cake or Imoeli for now. Call me bias, but I'm still on Team EClare. Probably, always will, they're my OTP. Anyway, before I say what I think, here's the promo:
Look's pretty exciting, huh? I know there's been a lot of debate over which promo was better, Steal Your Heart or Shark In the Water. I'm not really sure here, some aspects of both are phenomenal, and I like some better than others. SITW really threw the ideas that the characters were experiencing in your face, and made you guess, I really liked that. But SYH, had some great factors. too. The subtle bits tossed out, such as Fiona and Eli. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to seeing a Fiona/Eli friendship. Too much crazy in this relationship, which should be fun! We need another girl-boy friendship, as the last really stable one we had was like Emma-Manny-JT-Toby years ago. Fiona and Eli seem like interesting friends.
As for Adam, I'm really excited for him. Look's like he's got a new lady in his life, Miss Katie Maitlin. I'm not going to hate on her for now for ditching Adam, as her description says she's clueless when it comes to love. But I hope Katie/Adam work out better then Fiona/Adam because, well, I'm a huge FAdam fan. Hopefully, they'll be pretty cute.
As for Anya, I hope she gets the cocaine storyline. Samantha Munro is such a great actress, and she deserves something as complex as crack.
Eli sneaking glances at Clare? I almost passed out from the adorableness. If I don't get an EClare reunion, I don't know what I'll do. Because I will die, if it happens. Clare-Jake can get out, Jake could not be more uninteresting to me. Imogen-Eli can get out too, but I think Imogen will be pretty cool.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Season 11 News

As most of you already know, Teennick and Much Music have both confirmed Degrassi for season eleven. Yay! And as I posted over the weekend, Teennick even released a-not-so overhypred promo.
Season Eleven's seven week summer event (much like last year's The Boiling Point) will run from Monday to Thursday airing new episodes, with re runs on Fridays. The summer event will begin on July 18 at 9:00PM.
Three new characters will be introduced. Originally, there were four, but their have no announcements about the actor portraying Mo, so it can be assumed that the character was dropped. Which is a definate shame, because I know alot of people, myself included, were looking foward to having a second overweight character on the show. But the three new editions include Jake Martin, played by Justin Kelly; Kate Matlin, played by Chloe Rose; and Imogen Moreno, played by Cristine Propeiri.
Jake will be involved with Clare's and they might possibly be new love interests, as it would definatley add great tension to Clare's no-longer relationship with Eli, and test his mental stability even more.
Not much is known about Katie's character, other than she is an athlete, who is best friends with cheerleader Marisol.
Imogen seems interesting to me, as she goes to great lengths to prove that she isn't boring. Including bandaging her unwounded wrists, and pretending to be homeless. I don't think Degrassi's ever had a character like this before, and I'm interested to see what will be tossed out.
Episode titles coming soon!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Drop The World Parts 1&2 Review

Above is the new Degrassi promo for season eleve. Personally, I liked the promo, but I think they should have shown more instead of just one random clip of Bianca screaming. Now, on with the episode.

Most of my twitter/tumblr followers know that I was fangirling like a boss during all of parts one and two. My overall overview? I know people are choosing Team Eli or Team Clare. I don't have one - I'm Team EClare. Go ahead, call me biased, but I agree with both. Eli really wasn't planning the trip because of Julia, he was doing it because he just wanted to spend time with Clare. But in part two, Clare was right to break up with Eli, because he does need space to work on his lack of mental stability. However, I was kind of dissapointed when Clare and Alli just went back to the dance like nothing was wrong, and Clare was all 'I'm just trying to have fun.' Eli. Oh what can I say about Eli? I was totally crying when Eli basically told Clare he was going to crash Morty. But I was yelling at my TV the whole time: She's not gonna love you anymore if you get rid of the hearse!And may I say? Eli finally actually told Clare that he loves her, which made the whole sad, heart wrenching plot worth it. I mean, I don't think I've cried this much since Season 7's We Built This City.  Overall, I can't wait to see what the writer's do next season with Eli's obsession with Clare. And Munro and Aislinn's acting was just amazing, as usual. Anyways, THE GUN. DUN DUN DUN. Eli shooting Julia's picture and then TALKING ABOUT HER LIKE SHE WAS ACTUALLY ALIVE TO BULLFROG just made me shake my head. Oh, Eli, sweetheart, Julia's dead. Your crazy. And speaking of crazy, the hopsital scene? When he's just smiling at Clare being all "I saved our story" made my heart cry tears of sadness. And Clare - Eli is kind of manipulating you. But he doesn't mean it. He really doesn't. Overall, I loved this plot. It's definatley up there as one of my all-time favorites.
First off, may I just say I adored Anya even more in this episode? She was hilarious with her little heart signs behind Holly J's head. Anya was the best part of this storyline. Otherwise, Holly J just really made me dislike even more than I have during In Too Deep. She was such a jerk to poor Fiona, who wasn't creeping on her or doing anything wrong. And when she set her up with the LGBT chick? I was like - Holly J - graduate and get your butt outta here! I just love Fiona, and my heart went out to her when Holly J was such a jerk and the dance and her mean sleepover excuses, which were just unexcusable.
For once, I actually enjoyed a Kenna plot. Yes, me the ultimate Kenna hater actually enjoyed a plot. "YOU TOLD ME TO PLAY BASKETBALL!" was legit the best part though. And KC's bacheloor party was hilarious, especially when he handcuffed himself to Bianca. Did anyone else think it was really random when Chantay and Jenna were at the dance and all of a sudden Jenna's like "My feet are wet?" Okay, that was random . . . And also, Jenna has some really awkward names on her hands "Momzilla" "Handyman KC" "Big Daddy." Then Alli calls her "Mama" which is even more immensly strange to me. I was just laughing that whole entire scene, BTW and not even taking it seriously. I'm giggling like a creeper right now actually! But yes, the ending was cute when KC looked at the baby and I was all 'THAT'S THE OLD POST JENNA AWESOME KC!" And I loved Dave and Drew in this episode, they also added to the hilarity.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Degrassian United? Episode 1

So this week, me and my best friend Meaghan (also known as @eligoldfangirl on Twitter) recorded the first episode of our Degrassi webcast this week. No name for it now, just Degrassian United so far. Anyway, we had so much to talk about this week that included:
  • Our reactions/predictions to the Drop the World promo
  • Our favorite couples
  • Fiona's coming out - opinions
  • We both agree that Alli is getting old in Degrassi world
  • You Go Anya MacPhearson!
More just insane, crazy, weird things to occur! We really hoped you enjoyed this week's episode, as we had alot of fun filming it for you!  Next week, Meaghan and I will be discussing Drop the World part one, and the part two promo. (There's gonna be alot of fangirl hearts breaking on the United!) If you have any questions or comments about the show, you can leave it below, or ask me on twitter!/DegrassiFanbase or at Meaghan's!/eligoldfangirl. We'll try and get back to you as soon as possible!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Favorite Seasons

1. Season 10
 Eli brandishing the ranks of mentally unstable, added with Adam's transgender storyline, added with Fiona coming out brings to my all time favorite season of Degrassi.
Favorite Episodes: Umbrella, My Body Is A Cage, Still Fighting It, Breakaway, Jesus Etc, Chasing Pavements
2. Season 5
The end of Jiberty, with Degrassi's best pregnancy storyline, Paige realizes she's bisexual and Emma's anorexia.
Favorite Episodes: Foolin', Turned Out, The Lexicon of Love, I Against I, Our Lips Are Sealed, High Fidelity
3. Season 6
Degrassi's most memorable episode, SEmma 2.0, 'Go Home Lakehurst' and internet predators brings me to my conclusion.
Favorite Episodes:  Eyes Without A Face, Rock This Town, The Bitterest Pill, If You Leave, What's It Feel Like to be A Ghoust?
4. Season 4
The Degrassi shooting added with some extra SEllie drama, plus some bipolar Craig, with a sprinkle of Jiberty = happy Hannah!
Favorite Episodes: Time Stands Still, Anywhere I Lay My Head, Voices Carry, West End Girls, Eye of the Tiger
5. Season 9
Sexting, meth, creepy coaches, a random Spinner/Emma wedding. Dolly J carrys the season through with their epicness.
Favorite Episodes: Shoot to Thrill, You Be Illin', Innocent When You Dream, Degrassi Takes Manhattan
6. Season 1
 The only season that lets you see how hilarious Emma/Manny/JT/Toby/Liberty are together. 
Favorite Episodes: Secrets and Lies, Mother and Child Reunion, Jagged Little Pill, Coming of Age
7. Season 7
Very few reasons I bother to watch this season: Toby's awesomeness, Spinner's cancer, Darcy's rape and Parcy.
Favorite Episodes: We Built This City, Death or Glory, Pass the Dutchie, Standing In the Dark, Live to Tell
8. Season 3
A half-bearable season that is carried mostly by Ashley/Craig/Manny and Ellie's cutting.
Favorite Episodes:  Holiday, Father Figure, Whisper In A Scream, Accidents Will Happen, U Got the Look
9. Season 8
A total bore of a season, though Alli's angst and my relatable-ness to Clare makes it worth while.
Favorite Episodes: Heat of the Moment, Heart of Glass, Causing a Commotion, Up Where We Belong
10. Season 2
If Craig hasn't been introduced, I would've skimmed right past this season. Oh yes, and seeing JT kick a rapist's *** makes me smile too :)
Favorite Episode: Shout, When Doves Cry, Hot For Teacher, Tears Are Not Enough

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chasing Pavements Part 2 Episode Review

Okay, may I just flippin' fangirl for a second? ADJSHFDSGFKLADJKLSHFSFKSAH So, Eli's got a gun, Clare wants a 'break' (for her mushy time with Fitzy boy, JK.) I've been hearing people saying that Eli's shooting either Julia's grave or Julia's picture, hence why he yells 'This is all your fault!' Because he started getting unstable after she was killed. I'll probably be on here fangirlling for the res of the week, so for now, let me give my review of Chasing Pavements part 2!

Im just gonna be honest with you here: THERE IS NO WAY THAT FIONA WASN'T A CREEPING LESBIAN. Riley-gay, Declan-her brother, Bobby-abusive and Adam-transgender. But I will say that while I had semi ships with the rest of these, I do not ship Lesbiona J. I mean the whole Fiona crushing on HJ thing is awesome, but I can't really see them as a couple. Don't get me wrong, this was a solid episode- miles from part one, I really just don't see a future for Fiona/Holly J. All in all though, one again Annie Clark's acting was phenomenal. Adam, as always, made me smile and my heart break. Come on, did anyone actually think that FAdam was going to work out? I know they're awesome, but as I said, Fiona's using Adam for his body - and no, not his six pack. Overall, I enjoyed this plot the most out of all three. It might even go head-to-head with The Lexicon of Love someday.
It feels like I am constantly blogging about my Alli hate in In Too Deep. And look, for the eighth week in a row, here she is getting a storyline. Honestly, I like her alot, I'm just getting so flippin' sick of her. First, we get some random smoking chick (literally.) Then we get some Sav-Alli drama, then Johnny revived us with his crazy awesomeness, and now we get some plot about Alli wanting Simpson to stay at Degrassi. Yep, Snake was my favorite part of this episode, because I desperatley miss the season five days of the Zit Remedy ;) And also, I must say the action took alot more of an up in this plot. Degrassi having a dance, of course everyone already knew that they were getting their spring formal. That was good too, and I'm happy that Alli's fixing up her drama. Plus, as another up, the Bianca-Alli fist pump. DID THAT ACTUALLY JUST HAPPEN?
Most of you, if you read my Chasing Pavements part 1 blog, know how I feel about this storyline. I must say though, I enjoyed it alot more in part two. Though I was kind of flippin' annoyed with Owen still being a giant jerkface. I mean, it almost like Jay all over again.  Owen has messed with Ziley and Adam. Now he's coming onto Anya in a SERIOUSLY CREEPY way. But this plot just made me love Anya even more than I already do. I loved what she said in the Dot, because it really just felt relatable. It's true though, if you don't like a guy, they do think you're a female dog. And I really just wanted to scream 'You go Anya MacPhearson!' at my screen. Becuase, it's a offical. Owen's a total waste of a character.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Chasing Pavements Part 1 Review

Okay, so I'm doing a new thing here at Degrassi Fanbase. Instead of reviewing both parts, I'll be reviewing them seperatley. So you get thoughts on both parts every week, instead of every two weeks. But before I begin, here are the Chasing Pavements Part 2 Promos:
PLOT: FIONA was definatley the best storyline of the episode. Unlike waiting almost two seasons for Dean to go to trial back in season four, this trial went by faster then you could say 'Lesbiona J.' And speaking of which, I found that slight kiss to be a great setup for part 2, which is said to be the episode where Holly J and Fiona might *just might*get together. Opinions? Me? I say that I wish they would drop that plot and stick with the Fiona/Bobby trial. I was really glad to see Bobby AND Tinsley back. (Stephen Stohn's tweet finally makes sense!) But my favorite part of the episode, was when Tinsley admitted being slapped by Bobby. It lets the audience know that she's really not as bad as we thought she was. Which makes the storyline so much tighter and more realistic.
PLOT: ANYA/OWEN Welcome back to Degrassi, Owen Milligan! And may I ask, where you've been since Vegas Night? Perhaps in the boiler room? Tee-hee. This was an okay plot. I didn't like it, I didn't hate it. But I would say the best part was seeing Owen as someone other than a homophobic Ziley - Adam - Drew hater, was awesome. The storyline, however was not. Who really cares if Anya thinks Owen is creepy? Samantha Munro deserves a better plot then that, and she certainly deserves a better character then Owen to have to deal with.
Am I suprised that flippin' ALLI got a plot  in this episode? No! And we already know she's getting yet another in Drop the World. I am on serious Alli overload here. Seriously? No one cares about her anymore! This storyline should have just ended with Hide and Seek! GTHO!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

TeenNick's April Highlights

TeenNick has released the descriptions for Chasing Pavements part 2, Drop the World part 1, and the season finale Drop the World part 2. I'm sorry FAdam fans, but as an EClare fan, I must say that both Drop the Worlds draw my attention most . . .

Premieres Friday, 4/8 at 9pm ET
“Chasing Pavements, pt. 2″

Fiona tries to pick up where she left off with Adam. But is she into him for who he really is… or who she wants him to be?

Premieres Friday, 4/15 at 9pm ET
“Drop the World, pt. 1″

Eli is getting increasingly intense about his and Clare’s need for togetherness. Is he just in love, or is something else going on here?

Season Finale
Premieres Friday, 4/22 at 9pm ET
“Drop the World, pt. 2″

Eli promises he’ll give Clare the space she’s asking for. Can he hold to his word, or will he still find a way to draw her back to him?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hide and Seek Episode Review

 Okay, so Holly J's sick. Really, Degrassi? I'm sorry but I really didn't find this plot as interesting as it could have been. I mean, okay, we get it there's something wrong with her, which took all the way until part two of the episode for us to find out. I set aside 9-9:30 on my friday nights to sit my couch and watch quality television, but this plot was just pathetic. A Degrassi main character hasn't been sick since . . . Spinner, I think (correct me if I'm wrong) and I really don't see any point in comparing a great cancer storyline to just some storyline about Holly J denying that she's deathly ill. And in the end, I was actually even more dissapointed. Strep went to her kidneys. That could've easily have been treated if Holly J accepted her illness in part one and they didn't drag this thing out till Part two.
The best part of this was Johnny DiMarco. May I just say how much I flipping love Johnny?? He was so much better of a character in this episode, which really boosted up my opinion of the Holly J thing. Alli's running away has taken up over six episodes and I am so sick of it right now. I like Alli and all, but seriously, I haven't been so sick of her season eight! Degrassi made such a big deal of this storyline, but I didn't think it was relatable enough. No one's parents would be as accepting as the Bhandarri's were. However, I loved the scene at the end where they all take the family photo. And part two made me like Sav alot. He was really considerate to his little sister, and that helped the plot move along. Overall though, my favorite part was Johnny's mention of him having to watch JT got stabbed back in season 6. And then I hated Alli for being all 'This is different!' Oh okay, you didn't have to watch someone die. You just acted like a slut . . .
Wesley. Only Wesley could make up for a complete disaster of an episode. I'm still waiting for the day that they give him and the Tenners (and Sadie!) a main plot, because with the exception of Umbrella every third plot they were given made the two other suckish storylines better. And now here he is, trying to break a world record. When he came on a pogo stick, I was laughing so hard, my mom thought something was wrong. But seriously, I enjoyed every second of this plot, and loved Wesley interaction with this Hannah character. I'm so excited to see what's move to come with Wesannah!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Love's A Wild Ride Promo

Here's the AMAZING new promo for Chasing Pavements & Drop the World.
I can't beleive I'm saying this, but this is the most intense one yet!

Chasing Pavements Promo

I don't know how I feel about this episode yet. I mean, okay, it's obvious that the whole Holly J/Fiona thing is happening in part 2, but honestly, I can tell already that Dean's trial (Season 4 premeire, The Ghost In The Machine) is going to be about ten billion times better. I really wished the Bobby storyline had just been dropped in Purple Pills. I don't think anyone really cares anymore. Fans are more about the FAdam/Folly J action then Fiona's abuse. I will admit though, I am extremely curious to see who wins the case, Fiona or Bobby. Who do you think will win?
Finally! Alli is finally returning to Degrassi, and I am so happy to see her and Clare together as BFFLs once again! As for the Owen/Anya thing, I am looking foward to seeing how that whole thing is going to play out. I mean - Owya? Really, Degrassi? You don't want to repeat the Jia breakout of 2006 do you?

My Review of Jesus, Etc.

Plot: Eli/Clare/Fitz
 As a true EClare fangirl, I honestly have to say ''squeel!"  for the scenes in this episode. Once again, Eli and Clare prove as Degrassi's supercouple and most interesting pair. I admit, Eli is over protective, but I honestly beleive that there might be something else about why he acts the way he does. The only thing that kind of annoyed me about this storyline, was Clare letting Fitz treat her like a maid in part two. That whole situation where Fitz admits his crush on her was a little eeriw, because I felt the entire time like I was missing something I was supposed to understand. Like Fitz was just faking the entire thing to get under Eli's skin. And I didn't think that part one was even close to as good as part two.And the end of part two, was absolutley amazing . . . though, Eli's line 'He grabs his knife, cuts her throat, drinks her blood and forever they are one' line was the creepist thing I have ever heard in my life. (No matter how good Munro looked in that leather jacket) Which is just Degrassi telling us by Clare's expression that EClare's troubles are not over and solved yet. May I just predict for a second? By the way Eli acted in that episode, 'I LOVE CLARE EDWARDS!,' his facial expressions and just his general way . . . kind of reminded me of Craig. I'll give you a shoutout if you can tell me what that means. (Even though I thought that was adorable - and when Clare said I love Eli to Fitz. Just the way Eli screamed it to everyone was adorable)
I thought part one was a little over rated with fans. Alli had every right to be angry and Sav for accepting Drew as drummer. Can't he just ask Spinner or something? But part two, was much better. Sav trying to deny the fact that Alli had run away from home, because of him. This could have easily been something that real teenager went through. May I just say? This episode made me love Alli even more than I already do, as she was obviously tragically 'being abducted.' Okay, and I'm sorry, I know that the whole Alli getting into a car thing was supposed to be serious, but it wasn't. We all knew it was Johnny.

Sorry, but this plot does not even deserve a picture. The last time I hated a plot this much . . . maybe like back in season seven with the whole Danny/Derek/Rachel thing. But seriously, okay, I will admit part two was way better. But other wise, honestly, who gives a pancake about Kenna. It's obvious that they're not going to be good parents, and they make every other pregnancy on Degrassi look way more serious then it already is. Is KC so stupid that he thinks Jenna can go skateboarding? Is Jenna so conceited that she had to sing to that Caleb kid? (who was the best part of the plot, BTW)